Wednesday, June 5, 2013

We are here!

We are officially in Nepal! It has been an incredible couple of days so far! After our adventures in Qatar eating middle eastern food and having our patience tested with airport security, we made it on our what we thought was to be an easy four hour flight to Kathmandu. 

Just kidding. Kathmandu had a thunderstorm warning and we actually flew to India and our 4 hour flight turned into 9 hours. Yet despite this frustration, the minute we made it into Nepal we just felt such a friendly atmosphere and an immediate feeling of happiness. Pastor Mangal and friends so patiently awaited for us to arrive despite the delays and brought us home to a homemade Nepali meal. Chicken right on the bone, rice, lentils and the freshest mango we have ever tasted. The hospitality of the Koinonia Patan Church is unlike anything we have ever experienced. 

The next day we were able to fight off jet lag by seeing the church and talking with Pastor Mangal more about how it has grown. Then we went to the United Mission of Nepal (UMN) and experienced the bustling city of Kathmandu, which I am sure you will all hear about eventually. 

We are about to grab lunch with some friends of NWMC which we are all unbelievably excited for! 

Be praying for exaustion. We are all really feeling the jet lag, have not quite gotten used to the sounds of Nepal as we sleep and a few of us has had some issues with nausea and digestion. But I must say, despite these issues our group is so unbelievably positive and we agree we have the greatest view from our home. 

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